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Jumat, 21 Oktober 2016

Like What Digestion and Absorption of Food Process Inside the Body?


Eating favorite foods would have been a fun activity, but has it ever occurred to you how the food consumed to travel in the digestive process?

Food is a source of energy for the body. The content of nutrients in it will give you energy as well as other substances needed by cells in the body. But before the food must go through the digestive process to be part of a fairly small and can be absorbed by the body.

Splitting Nutrition in Food

Foods that have become small parts to be digested in four main processes of digestion.

The mouth is the beginning of the digestive tract. Immediately after the first bite at the food, the digestive process begins. When the process of chewing food into smaller parts, then the salivary glands to produce saliva to help soften the food. In addition, saliva also contains enzymes that begin to digest carbohydrates into smaller ones that can be absorbed by the intestine.

The tongue will then push the food that has been refined to the back of the mouth to the esophagus or throat. Peristaltic movement of the smooth muscle then bring the food to the stomach.

Digestion in the stomach
Hull looked like bags, having walls strong muscles surrounding it. In addition to accommodating food, stomach also serves as the destroyer and smoothening of food. The stomach to produce acids and enzymes that will continue the process digested food. Out of the stomach, the food will have a texture resembling a liquid or soft paste which then moves into the small intestine. In the stomach, protein digestion process begins.

Digestion and absorption in the small intestine
If measured, the small intestine has a length of about 6 meters consisting of three parts, namely the duodenum (duodenal), jejunum (jejunum), and intestinal absorption (ileum). In it, the food will be re-processed by digestive enzymes produced by the pancreas, small intestine wall, and bile from the gallbladder. All three will work together to complete the digestion of food to be small units that can be absorbed into the blood vessels of the intestines.

Digestive enzymes chemically break down complex food molecules into simpler ones, then bile helps digestion mechanical break down fat so that it becomes smaller particles. When the food through the duodenum, meaning the digestive process is completed. The next process is absorption.

Food absorption generally occurs in the small intestine jejunum and ileum. There are many folds or the so-called tuft-tuft intestine (villi). Vili has the function of expanding the absorptive surface, so that food can be absorbed more efficiently.

During the absorption process, the food molecules will enter the bloodstream through the intestinal wall. Microscopic blood vessels or capillaries in the villi will absorb the products of digestion in the form of protein and carbohydrates, while the lymph vessels in the villi to absorb fat.

From there, the blood flow will bring foods that are digested to the liver. Liver cells will then filter out harmful substances in the blood. The liver also stores fat-soluble vitamins and excessive nutrients, such as glucose to be stored as a backup. These nutrient reserves will be released when the body needs extra energy, for example when someone running a marathon.

Absorption in the large intestine
Most of that goes into the large intestine are the leftovers that can not be digested or absorbed and water. The large intestine is composed of six sections, starting from the cecum, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon, and ends with the rectum.

The main task of the colon is to absorb water and minerals from the food waste so that makes it denser and formed stool. Peristalsis will then push the stool toward the rectum until excreted through the anus.

Adequacy of water and fiber are important factors that support the smooth process of digestion. Make sure you drink about 8 glasses per day and eat vegetables and fruits are rich in fiber so that the health of the digestive system awake for excellent body condition. ca-pub