ca-pub Beware of Excess Urine Protein In Children And Pregnant Women - 7Sehatan

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Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2016

Beware of Excess Urine Protein In Children And Pregnant Women


Protein is one of the important substances needed for growth and repair of the body. However, if the amount of protein in the urine becomes excessive, urine protein is actually required vigilance.

It is the duty of the kidneys to filter out the salt, excess fluid, and various wastes in our body. Once filtered, these wastes will be discharged out through the intermediary of urine. While the substances needed will still be stored in the body, for example proteins.

Protein in the urine is usually very few in number. This is because most proteins are too large to be filtered through the kidneys. Healthy kidneys are not going to let a lot of protein through the filters or filter them. But if the filter is damaged, proteins from the blood can enter into the urine. As a result, the amount of any excess urine protein. This condition can be referred to as proteinuria.


Proteinuria is common in children. If doctors find their urine protein in children, it means your baby kidneys may not work as it should. Could be due to inflammation, swelling, infection, or chemicals. Although it does not cause pain, proteinuria can make the foot, ankle, and baby's eyelids become swollen. In addition, the child's blood pressure can go up.

If Little had proteinuria, he may not need treatment. Similarly, if there is a bit of protein in the urine. Proteinuria is not a specific disease. Treatment also depends on the underlying cause. If the urine protein in children caused by infection, proteinuria will disappear after the infection is treated.

Sometimes, children can also be exposed to unique proteinuria called orthostatic proteinuria. Proteinuria can not be detected early in the day, only at the end of the day because the excess protein in the urine at the time of the move to a standing position or a lot of activities during the day. While lying position at the time in bed at night, urine protein excretion in the morning would be normal. And fortunately, urine protein disease that is usually harmless.

However, if the urine protein makes Little experience swelling of the legs and eyelids, your doctor will probably refer him to a specialist kidney (nephrologist) to do a kidney biopsy. When doctors already know what causes the protein to be present in urine Little, proteinuria can be cured quickly and precisely.

Pregnant mother

Excess protein in the urine of pregnant women could be a sign of a urinary tract infection (UTI), renal impairment, or certain other disorders. Protein urine could also be a sign of pre-eclampsia, if accompanied by high blood pressure. Proteinuria tends to occur when pregnant women suffer from high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, old age pregnant, have a family history of kidney disease, originating from a particular race, taking certain medications, suffer from immune system disorders, poisoning, or trauma.

It is better if we occasionally check urine protein levels in the body. If the number is high, at least can know what happened and how penindaklanjutannya. ca-pub