ca-pub Explaining how the winner Regarding Children and Lost - 7Sehatan

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Minggu, 23 Oktober 2016

Explaining how the winner Regarding Children and Lost


Every parent would want for their child to always be a winner and to be number one. However, this condition makes parents often forget to teach children that in life no such thing as winning and losing. Therefore, the duty of parents is to provide an overview and shaping the personality of the child so that he can think winning or losing is normal, can be alternated.
There are many activities that can provide an understanding to children early about winning and losing. Here takes the role of parents and the child's environment to provide support when he suffered a defeat. When the emotions parents find child up and down as defeat, it will automatically affect the emotional stability of children and child will save on memory subconscious that defeat it regrettable and should not he experienced. Children who experience it will tend to have a negative emotional behavior and aggressive because it considers that it should be a winner. Then how do we as parents deal with this?
Explaining how the winner Regarding Children and .... children while experiencing victory and defeat as well as teach you how to vent his feelings is the way it should be done by the parents. Kids will certainly need a place to share her feelings when she experienced winning and losing. When he suffered defeat, give support and understanding that everyone has weaknesses and strengths. Lose too, is part of a process of hard work and effort, when children begin appreciated the results will help in every achievement to make confident.
Encourage the child to understand the shortcomings and ask him to be more active in trying within its capabilities. When children get a win then taught to be grateful to get the favor of God and not drown in the euphoria of victory. Give the sense that his future is still long, there are many other business ventures to get a win and still have to respect the other colleagues who have achievements below.
Provide motivation for the child while he was trying hard won is one of the best ways. But teach your child to respect a process not the end result, so he is easier to understand the meaning of winning and losing. Pattern foster parents will thus foster self-confidence, do not give up easily, and more accepting of shortcomings in the child so that the child is not burdened in their daily lives. ca-pub