ca-pub Some Negative Behavior Should Caution of Children 13-18 Years - 7Sehatan

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Minggu, 23 Oktober 2016

Some Negative Behavior Should Caution of Children 13-18 Years


13-18 years old can be regarded as vulnerable periods, where children begin to exhibit certain behaviors, such feelings are easily aroused, unruly, and so forth. Adolescence is a period where a child is in transition from childhood to get to adulthood. Well, given the importance of the youth as the next generation of our nation in the future, then all parties are expected to develop and oversee the youth to be involved in negative behavior. You'll want to know Some Negative Behavior Should Caution of Children 13-18 Years? For that continue to refer to review in this article.
Should some Negative Behavior of Children 13-18 TahunPengetahuan Caution about some Caution To Negative Behavior of Children 13-18 This year is very important, considering the youth still relies unstable and not yet fully matured both in thought and in decision making. What are the consequences if the teens left the wild life without rules and not being guided properly? will lead to many problems, both for himself, family, and also the general public. Who are the people that must accompany and attention to the needs of adolescents?
Parents, for example: providing moral education and good behavior, needs, supervise social.
Teachers, for example: a good education for teenagers, extra curricular activities, counseling, etc.
Society, for example: beware of their youth groups, teens hover in positive activities: youth, squeeze, and other social activities.
The government, for example: opening training for youth, provide education about the dangers of negative behaviors teens, provide severe penalties for wrongdoers
Here's a Must Caution Negative Behavior of Children 13-18 years:
Theft. Many reasons were presented by the teenage perpetrators of the theft, for example, because their needs are not fulfilled, the lifestyle of consumerism, and so forth.
drug abuse
The lack of knowledge and lack of supervision from parents of teenagers fall into the causes of drug abuse.
Illegal street racing
Providing transportation facilities regardless of the appropriateness of the teenage son driving is wrong, because it can increase the number of traffic accidents. In addition, some teenagers who always want to look ahead will take advantage of transport facilities for the race, and it was certainly very harmful to the safety of himself and others.
Violence until the student brawls
Egoism high in adolescents make them willingly if there are people who look down on her, friends, or group. As a result, violence, hooliganism and fighting between students is considered as a perfect solution to solve it.
Free sex
Many factors triggering the phenomenon of sex, such as television shows, easy access to pornographic sites on the Internet, and the establishment of places of vice freely.
Hopefully the information above can add insight and knowledge to you all.
filed under: family and social relationships · tagged: articles about the behavior in adolescents, adolescent behavior to watch out ca-pub