ca-pub Role of Parents Facing Attitude Change in Children Ages 5-12 Years - 7Sehatan

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Minggu, 23 Oktober 2016

Role of Parents Facing Attitude Change in Children Ages 5-12 Years


If it is allowed to be honest, being a parent is tricky, especially when dealing with childcare because in fact, be a good parent can not be learned through formal education. Most parents rely hereditary parenting could have been incompatible with the demands and changes in the development of today. One of the problems of parenting that can happen is the change in behavior patterns and attitudes of children, especially children in the age 5-12. How should the role of parents face a change of attitude in children aged 5-12 years?
Tips and Tips
Here are some tips and troubleshooting actions and role of parents deal with changes in the attitudes of children aged 5-12 years should Role of Parents Facing Attitude Change in Children Ages 5-12 Tahundilakukan as compiled from various sources, namely:
Positives: Give the spirit and motivation continued when this child behavioral change towards a positive direction, as more independent and responsible in solving the problems faced. Encouragement and motivation could have done with better appreciate and respect the decision of children and involve children in decisions that relate directly to children.
Negatives: According to one education consultant practitioner and the child's behavior, saying that negative behavioral changes which do children, can be influenced by the behavior of the parents or the child's everyday environment. Still according to the same source, it is said that about 70% of children will depend on the behavior of parents and 30% depending on the environment. If a parent fails to take the role of the 70%, then the role will be replaced by the child's everyday environment. Changing the behavior and habits of the parents in a positive direction in the daily child should do if that is the parents rarely mentoring children.
Reward and Punishment: Application of reward and punishment parents can do with occasional introspection why children do the actions considered parents as a negative action. Is the negative actions that do children come from parents or imitation habit no other reasons such as environmental habits imitate their friends.
So a few tips and troubleshooting actions and attitudes change the role of parents facing children in age group 5-12 years which could be taken into consideration. One important thing you should always remember is to avoid punishment or physical punishment, because violence is not the best solution in punishing your child's mistakes. Good luck and hopefully useful. ca-pub