ca-pub Hormonal Changes in Children - 7Sehatan

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Minggu, 23 Oktober 2016

Hormonal Changes in Children


The growth and development of children into adolescence coupled with hormonal changes in children.
Of course, this change resulted in differences in the physical and metabolic functions of the child.

The most important change is related to child sexual maturity.
In boys, began functioning of sex hormones such as testosterone androsteron and may result in physical changes in the form of the body become increasingly taller, stronger muscles, jaw clenched and grow hair in some places, such as the pubic area, the beard and mustache. Fur arms, legs and chest also began to grow.

Hormonal changes in anakSelain that the boy began to grow the Adam's apple and the sound becomes heavier and more rugged. Lekai male child who began legally baligh also get wet dream. Interest in women also began to occur. A man who has been transformed into a grown man is starting to grow a sense of responsibility and independent attitude.

Hormonal changes in girls often occur earlier than boys. Girls begin puberty can be in the range of 9 to 12 years of age, although there is slower or even earlier than that age, depending on factors of nutrition and heredity. In girls, puberty is marked by breast development, the skin becomes more smooth, the curves begin to appear visible and menstruation occurs for the first time. A skinny woman who had started puberty becomes more sensitive to their feelings, increasingly want to be pampered, nascent attraction to men, happy to conduct myself in the mirror and so forth.

Indeed, between men and women there is a difference span of the onset of puberty. In children Yag women tend to be faster, often causing anxiety when she was menstruating when I was in elementary school, while his men still boyish and yet have more responsibility. Sometimes women who had mocked his pubescent male who dpat cause a lack of confidence.

Hormonal changes in children can also be followed by a variety of issues, such as acne can lead to low self-esteem, but can be overcome by diligent care of your face and eat nutritious foods so that endurance increases. ca-pub