ca-pub Role of Parents Accompanying Children Facing Rasa Disappointed at Age 5-12 Years - 7Sehatan

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Minggu, 23 Oktober 2016

Role of Parents Accompanying Children Facing Rasa Disappointed at Age 5-12 Years


Feeling sad and disappointed indeed can happen to anyone, not least in children at the age of 5-12 years. At this age, children did not reach maturity and psychological maturity, which is often disappointment and bitterness acted emotionally with excessive, such as anger, crying, or reluctant to undertake any activity or tend to like daydreaming. If this is allowed to drag on, then maybe the child will experience psychological and emotional disorders and affect the future lives in the future. To avoid the possibility of a mental health disorder is psychological, it's good if parents control children's behavior immediately. How should the role of parents accompany children to face the disappointment at the age of 5-12 years?
Tips and Tips
Here are some tips and troubleshooting role of parents accompany children to face the disappointment at the age of 5-12 years should Role of Parents Accompanying Children Facing Rasa Disappointed at Age 5-12 Tahundilakukan as compiled from various sources, namely:
Entertain Yourself: According to one person observers and practitioners of psychological, it is said that the act of entertaining the child who experienced disappointment is the first step that must be done as mentoring. Some expressions words that can be done, among others, do not be sad and do not be disappointed.
Motivation And A New Hope: Still according to the same source, said also that encourage children by providing motivation and a new hope that there is still a chance the same and can be done at other times. Give them new hope that other opportunities that come later in the future can be better than a missed opportunity today.
Divert And Treat: Encourage the child to do other activities perceived pleasing to him, such as taking children to the playground, play educational games, recreation or travel, or even perhaps a new membelikanmainan who became his desire. This activity is done to divert and treat the disappointment yamg already occurred.
So a few tips and troubleshooting role of parents accompany children to face the disappointment at the age of 5-12 years to be taken into consideration to do. One important thing you should always keep in mind is that parents also should avoid leverage the child's failure ever. Good luck and hopefully useful. ca-pub