ca-pub It causes ear buzzing and How to Prevent It - 7Sehatan

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Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2016

It causes ear buzzing and How to Prevent It


Someone who is experiencing a buzzing ears, also called tinnitus, feel the hum in his ears. This sound can be heard briefly or continuously with a different volume.

Not many people know that the ear buzzing turned out to be a pretty common thing to happen. Nevertheless, buzzing ears can be a condition that interferes with daily activities. Starting from disturbing breaks up the risk of causing psychological distress.

Although ear buzzing no adverse impact on the ability to hear as a whole, but this condition is able to make someone very sensitive to noise. Keep in mind that buzzing ears are not associated with hearing loss.

This condition is more often felt in the evening because the neighborhood is no longer too noisy. In other cases, there are times when the buzz was in tune with the heartbeat or also called pulsatile tinnitus.

Identify Cause Ear Buzzing
There are many causes behind the ears buzzing. Observe the following to anticipate the various possibilities.
The most common cause is a long exposure to loud noise. About 90 percent of cases of hearing impaired ears buzzing with a different variant. It is caused by exposure to loud noise constantly that cause permanent damage to the cells of the cochlea in the inner ear. This condition is risky experienced some unusual profession wrestle with loud noise, such as rock musicians, pilot, carpenter, or a soldier. One voice booming very loud enough to cause ear buzzing.
A blockage or infection of the ear canal. This condition can be eased by itself once the blockage is handled, but sometimes also continued.
A benign tumor on the auditory nerve.
The natural aging process that affects the inner ear or other parts.
Consumption of some medications, such as antibiotics, aspirin, drugs, antidepressants, anti-inflammatory up.
Meniere's disease which causes disturbances in the inner ear.
Injuries to the neck or head.
Otosclerosis, causing stiffness tiny bones in the middle ear.
Certain health problems, such as cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, anemia, allergies, diabetes, an underactive thyroid gland.
Disturbances in the neck or jaw, such as temporomandibular joint syndrome.
Ear buzzing could be worsened if exacerbated by other conditions, such as when people with experience stress, excessive liquor consumption, smoking, often consuming caffeinated beverages, and certain foods that contain high levels of salt.
The good news, the risk of ear buzzing can be prevented with a few simple ways below.

Wear ear protection when on the move near a very loud sound sources, such as music concerts, in the engine room, in aircraft.
When wearing the earphones for listening to music, try to take them off and rest my ears every hour. Adjust the volume to about 60 percent.
Deal immediately with other health conditions as ear buzzing can be caused by other diseases that may be related.
Immediately consult an ENT doctor, especially if ears buzzing already feels very disturbing. ENT doctor will do a hearing test and perform tests to confirm the diagnosis of tinnitus. Tests such as CT-scan or MRI scan may also be done to detect any damage in the ear.
To prevent ear buzzing increasingly felt a moment of silence, try playing soft music or turn on the radio. In addition, in order to not trigger stress ear buzzing, taking the time for relaxation with yoga or meditation can be an interesting activity. ca-pub