ca-pub Toothache Medication for Children Should Parents Give - 7Sehatan

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Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2016

Toothache Medication for Children Should Parents Give


Damage to the teeth generally be the main cause of occurrence of pain around the teeth, gums, or jaw. Toothache this kind can happen to anyone, both adults and children. In contrast to adults, toothache medicine for children are more in need of special attention.

Toothache can be felt constantly or it can also rise and fall, it can also feel deteriorated when the night arrived. The food and drinks hot or cold temperature should be avoided so as not to worsen the toothache.

Most likely, toothache will be followed by the swelling of the gums around the aching tooth. In addition, the sufferer may have a fever and / or headache. Another sign is the appearance of a liquid that tasted bad in the case of cavities.

What Drugs Dental Hospital for Children Safe?

If Little experiencing toothache, usually parents who frantically looking directly counter medicines for a toothache or checked into the clinic without first considering a lot of things. In fact, there are several self-treatment can be performed before bringing the child to the dentist.

Parents may only give pain relievers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen as a cure toothache for Children, but other than that there is more advisable. The recommended treatment is regarded as a form of self-care in managing toothache, namely:

Gargling with warm water. Continue to clean the remnants of food or plaque stuck between the teeth using dental floss.
To provide a numbing effect, apply a little clove oil on cotton and paste in tooth pain.
Compress cheeks with cold water if the toothache that arises is the result of trauma to the teeth.
You need to know is to never give aspirin to children or teens because these drugs increase the risk of Reye's syndrome. Reye's syndrome is a serious condition that rarely occurs which is characterized by the onset of swelling in the brain and liver. Consult with your doctor before giving aspirin to children.
If the variety of the above treatments can not relieve toothache Little, then immediately check himself into a dental clinic in order to get a more specific treatment. Some signs that parents should bring the child to see the dentist when a toothache is not subside after two days. Dentists also should be consulted when the port for more severe toothache followed by the appearance of fever, ear pain, or pain when opening the mouth wide.

Better Prevent than Treat

Deter children from tooth pain will be easier when compared to adults because most of the causes of this pain is the result of bad habits of children. In other words, instill good habits in oral health care will be easier to do than focus on finding a cure toothache for children.

Some ways below is a habit that should be fostered in order to prevent the presence of a toothache.

Brush your teeth regularly
The most important habits to maintain a healthy mouth and teeth are regular brushing. If this is not done, the tooth will become the center of the growth of plaque. Plaque itself is a friendly land for bacteria to breed and thus potentially lead to infection and cavities. To be more clean teeth, complete treatment with flossing or flossing teeth once every day.

Meet the needs fluoride
Fluoride is found in a variety of natural resources, ranging from water to some specific vegetables. If necessary, request a prescription from a dentist to take supplements containing the ingredients. As a first choice, give children toothpaste berflouride which has now been widely circulated. However, make sure in advance whether the toothpaste is suitable for the Grassroots.

Healthy diet
Eating healthy foods will give both a significant impact to the health of your teeth and mouth Small Si. Try to avoid foods that contain lots of sugar and starch for both is the favorite food of bacteria-bad bacteria in the mouth. If there is food stuck between your teeth, you should immediately floss. Make a salad or an apple for dessert as its function as a healthy natural teeth cleaning.

Visit your dentist
Another important thing that should be done is to visit a dentist twice a year. Dentists are able to provide early warning when the teeth are having problems. Action as early as possible of them will prevent children from more severe problems in the future.

If the good habits above have become everyday Small Si, the less likely they are to experience problems with teeth. If it is so, so parents do not have to bother looking for a toothache medicine to a child, is not it? ca-pub