ca-pub Other Causes Weight Gain - 7Sehatan

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Jumat, 21 Oktober 2016

Other Causes Weight Gain


Weight gain does not always come from what you eat. There are many factors that cause obesity more unpredictable.

Weight loss generally increases when calories are burned body during the move less than calories taken in from food consumed. But in addition to food, there are many factors that also affect the body's metabolism and body weight. Recognize these factors.


When you're stressed, your body will become tense and produces a hormone called cortisol. This hormone is the main cause of the increased appetite that makes you easily eat any food to cool down.

 Lack of sleep

 There are several things that make the lack of sleep is closely linked to weight gain, namely:

When you lack sleep, increased levels of hormones in the body that can increase hunger and appetite.
Sleep late at night makes you more likely to eat a snack in the evening so add a heap of calories in the body.
Lack of sleep makes you tend to choose any food such as fried foods than healthy snacks such as fruit.
Eating certain drugs

It turned out that taking certain medications can cause weight gain, such as:

Antidepressants: depression became one of the causes of weight gain for sufferers prefer to inactivity and silence in the house. But unfortunately, drugs for treating depression can cause increased body weight as well. But there are also some people who appetite back because his mood was better and not because of the side effects of antidepressants.
Steroids: weight gain due to increased appetite can be a side effect of medication anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drug (NSAID) such as prednisolone. People who take steroids may also experience changes in certain body parts that store as fat in the stomach and face.
Other medications: other medicines can also cause body weight gain, such as drugs to treat migraine disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and convulsions. Similarly with antipsychotic drugs commonly used to treat bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.
Certain diseases

Some of the following diseases can trigger hormonal changes which can be a cause of obesity, among others:

Hypothyroidism: is the current state of the body does not produce enough thyroid hormone. This condition causes the weight gain due to a slowing metabolism.
Cushing's syndrome: occurs when the adrenal glands produce too many stress hormones, such as cortisol, or in people who take steroids to treat lupus, arthritis, or asthma. Weight gain can mainly be seen on the face, upper back, neck, and waist.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): women with this syndrome generally have many small cysts in their reproductive organs. Women in this condition have a resistance to hormone role in controlling blood sugar levels (insulin) that causes weight gain is generally centered in the abdomen.
Technology and lifestyle

Lifestyle with all the conveniences such as Internet access to almost all places can make people more time sitting in front of screens than ever before. The habit of sitting for a long time is often combined with the habit of eating high-calorie snacks that cause weight gain.

Quit smoking

Inhaling cigarette smoke makes your heart rate increase 10-20 times more in one minute so that the body burns more calories when smoking. When a person stops smoking, appetite increases but this effect will disappear in a few weeks. The benefits of quitting smoking would be much larger than continuing to smoke for fear of fat.

Extreme dieting

Extreme dieting with the goal of losing weight drastically in a short time is an ineffective way. This method does not train the body to burn calories amount to much in the long run. As a result, the food you eat will not burn completely and the impact of body weight actually back up quickly.

Reducing Risk of Weight Gain
Although more difficult to detect, the factors that cause obesity still can be managed in ways as follows:
Good sleep patterns. Get used to have hours of sleep enough, and began to sleep and wake up at the same hour every day. Use the bedroom only for sleep and sexual activity.

Ask your doctor before stopping taking certain medications. If you are already experiencing weight gain due to the consumption of drugs, you should consult a doctor before deciding to discontinue usage. You can also ask for alternative treatments that do not increase the risk of body weight.

Moving on. Either due to the consumption of drugs or because of health conditions, weight gain is generally caused by decreasing the body's metabolic condition. Moves on every day, such as walking up the stairs, is a simple way to maintain physical fitness. With regular exercise, a person's mood will be better so far from excessive stress and depression.

Understanding fluid buildup due to drug consumption. Increased weight due to consumption of certain drugs sometimes just caused by a buildup of fluid. Weight gain because the condition is not permanent and can be quickly lost after future drug consumption. In these periods, you are advised to apply a low-salt diet. Examples of drugs that can increase the content of body fluids are birth control pills. ca-pub