ca-pub Menstrual Cycle Turns That Cause Breast Swelling - 7Sehatan

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Jumat, 21 Oktober 2016

Menstrual Cycle Turns That Cause Breast Swelling


Breast swelling may occur before menstruation. Breasts have four major networks, namely fatty tissue, connective tissue, glands and milk ducts. Fat tissue has a volume of fluid that is changing so as to allow swelling. This is what causes breast felt swollen that result in the emergence of pain.

At the time of breast swelling, this section becomes noticeably larger. The blood vessels may appear clear, turquoise. Texture skin turns rough, and in some cases, the breast feels warmer. Changes in breast shape can make you feel sick or pain.

Breast pain due to menstrual cycle is called cyclic pain. This is because the pain is relieved and raised according menstrual cycle. Typically, the swelling and pain was most severe before menstruation and occurs in both breasts. Routine monthly pain will usually ends when menopause arrives.

There is also swelling and pain in the breast called noncyclic pain. This condition usually occurs in women aged 30-50 years. Breast hurt only on one and sometimes caused cysts or fibroadenomas (lump in the breast).

Try Perform This Step Care at Home
In the medical world, pain in the breast is called mastalgia. The pain of breast swelling caused by PMS (premenstrual syndrome) can be handled with care at home, namely:
An ice pack

Compress the breast with cold water for 20 minutes each time. Do it as often as you need. The trick, ice packs using a towel, then put on the breast area and massage slowly. Compress the breast can reduce swelling and pain that accompanies.

Treatment with something warm

In addition to cold compress, you can treat breast swelling using warm water or a heating pad. The warm temperatures, but can loosen tense muscles, can help relieve the pain as well. Put a heating pad or hot water bottle on your breast. Possible to simultaneously relax the body, soak in warm water so that you feel more comfortable.

Use a comfortable bra

Comfortable bra can help reduce pain and protect the breast from the effects of gravity. Avoid using underwire bras for breast still sick. If possible, wear a bra that fits comfortably while sleeping in order to support the breast well.

Use a special bra when sports

There is no excuse for not exercising when breast swelling and pain. However, make sure you wear the right bra during physical activity. Choose sports bras (sports bras). Because this bra is specifically designed to support the breasts properly during exercise and help protect it from the impact of physical movements. Do not forget, always note the size that fits with your breasts.

Consider food and beverage

When swollen breasts, you are advised to pay more attention to food and beverage intake. Reduce eating fatty foods, such as fried foods, and replace it with fruits, vegetables, and complex carbohydrates. Foods with high levels of salt are also advised to be reduced. Also, avoid alcoholic beverages, carbonated and caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea, and chocolate. Reducing the consumption of substances that had been mentioned 1-2 weeks before menstruation could be expected to prevent the onset of symptoms.

Ministry of women's health in the United States were advised to consume 400 mg of magnesium E and 400 IU of vitamin E daily to alleviate the symptoms of pre-menstrual. Consult your doctor before taking it.

Drinking painkillers

If the pain really makes it uncomfortable, you can take painkillers, such as ibuprofen, acetaminophen or naproxen sodium. Naproxen sodium and ibuprofen also help reduce some types of inflammation, including swelling breasts.

If breast pain is unbearable, there is a new lump realized and only on one side of the breast or discharge brown or accompanied by blood from the nipple, immediately went to the doctor. Anticipate every possibility of the existence of other diseases more serious need to always be the primary consideration. ca-pub